Anna Van Der Klei works for EchoXpert, a private ultrasound practice with two locations in Amsterdam. She has worked as a sonographer for more than 20 years with dedication and pleasure. Anna has been using GE Healthcare’s Voluson™ ultrasound scanners since day one and is still an avid user. The 3D and 4D functionality continue to impress her and her patients. Read about her experience with Voluson ultrasound here.
The Voluson technology is evolving rapidly
"The technology has come a long way very quickly," Anna Van Der Klei says. When she started as a sonographer, there was no 3D functionality on the equipment that she was using.
"I remember around 2002 when a Voluson was installed at the practice where a friend of mine worked. That was one of the first models with 3D functionality that I had seen. If I had to see that image now, I would probably not be impressed, but at the time, it was very innovative. You could recognize a baby in the image, and simply being able to do that was fantastic!"
In 2022, the 3D and 4D functions are essential for Anna's day-to-day work and that of her colleagues in Amsterdam. Anna makes several 3D/4D scans almost every day, making it one of the most frequently used functions in the practice.
“The 3D functionality on the Voluson stands out”
Anna is accustomed to working with different types of machines. The practice where she works uses a variety of equipment to support the sonographer training that it provides. "The variety is good for the students; it helps them to learn to work with the different kinds of equipment," she says.
Anna says that she has tried the 3D and 4D functionality on other machines over the years, but the Voluson continues to impress her the most. "The 3D functionality on the Voluson always stands out. No other machine does it better. The imaging is very clear: the contrast, the grey values, and the images per second. The image quality is very high with the Voluson."
Positive reactions from the patients on Voluson 3D image quality
Anna says that the high quality of the images has been noticed by her patients, as well. "People always find the images that they see with the Voluson to be very good. If patients have had scans done at ultrasound practices that use other machines, they see right away that the Voluson's images are 'sharper', to use their words."
Anna notes that 3D imaging has become standard among patient expectations. "Slowly but surely, it has become a normal expectation for people over the years. These days, pregnant women ask almost immediately if they're going to get a 3D image."
Digital app completes the experience for the patient
During her ultrasound sessions, Anna also uses the Tricefy™ app so she can easily share the Voluson ultrasound images with her patients.
"Tricefy is really easy to use with the machine," she explains. "You can connect the app to the ultrasound machine and send the image to the patient by e-mail or text message just by pushing a button. The patients can then download the still images or videos of their baby by clicking on the link. Patients are really happy with that feature."
Intuitive, ergonomic and efficient ultrasound scanner
The Voluson doesn’t just provide good images, Anna also finds the scanner easy to use: "The ease of use of the Voluson is particularly good. The positioning of the buttons is very logical, as are the functions under the buttons ... That makes it a very nice machine to work with. It's as easy as riding a bicycle! You can see that a lot of thought has gone into it."
The ease of use is a major advantage for Anna, especially when she sees up to 20 patients per day. "It really makes things more efficient," she says. "For certain measurements, you sometimes have to go through a lot of steps on other machines. With the Voluson, there are significantly fewer steps needed to get things done. That makes it nice to work with."
In addition, Anna finds the ultrasound scanner comfortable for working: "It's also comfortable sitting at the machine," she says. "You don't have to hold your hands so high, and the buttons are all placed fairly low down, which is also comfortable for working."
Support from application specialists
Being in contact with the application specialists is also important for Anna and her colleagues: "One thing I really love about the Voluson is the contact with the application specialists. The installation is always seamless. When a new machine is delivered, everything is connected properly and the specialists stay around as long as you need them,” Anna says.
Anna is happy for the support she has been getting and the service following the installation. "When you get stuck and need support, they are immediately ready to give you a hand. Not only that: there's also the total service they provide. If I were to drop a transducer and damage it, I could get a new one on loan within two hours."
"If I had my own practice and needed an ultrasound machine, I would get a Voluson. That is entirely down to the ease of use, the efficiency, and the after-sales service, which is so crucial for the continuity of care."
Sonographer Anna Van Der Klei and GEHC doesn't have a contractual relationship beyond the fact of being a GEHC product end user.
The statements by GE's customer described are based on their own opinions and on results that were achieved in the customer's unique setting